ADOM Framework for Enterprise-Level App Development

ADOM Framework for Enterprise-Level App Development

by : John L. Arrington


The ADOM Framework is the first ORM to provide truly Enterprise Level applications development capabilities, with both performance and Security in mind. The ADOM approach allows you to use your Legacy data structures with little-to-no changes, and does it with high performance, and security!

ADOM & AdomScript.js for SPA Development

ADOM & AdomScript.js for SPA Development

by : Nathan Childers


The ADOM Framework combined with the AdomScript.js library's development approach gives the Single-Page App (SPA) developer a truly simplified approach to connecting the data on the back-end with the UI.

How AdomScript Works

How AdomScript Works

by : Nathan Childers


AdomScript is built to do all of the heavy lifting. Entire forms can be placed on a browser, populated with data, and bound to their datasource via JSON Objects.